Foils are an extremely complicated topic so I am going to try to keep this as short as possible. I have tried most of the major brands foils, more so the Surf foils then wind foils, because for me the surf foils are more fun and versatile. I am just going to say there are some good ones and there some very bad ones. You pretty much get what you pay for in that department. Time and time again the GoFoil just stood out from the rest in every category, especially for WWF (Windsurf Wave Foil). It's the only Foil that actually works for WWF. Go Foil's very efficient higher lift (ver 1 & 1.5) front wings and an amazing stabilizing rear tail wing create a magic combination that neutralizes the Rig/sail weight for a easy fun gliding/surfy ride that is so dang fun in all conditions. Here are some of the reasons why I recommend the GoFoil so highly:
GoFoils are the simplest foils; just one screw and you can change wings in a second, unlike 3-6 screws like with most other brands.
The best surfy feeling foil out there, it always feels like you are riding a surf board.
The Mast/fuselage is all one piece carbon fiber. That makes for the stiffest setup by far and that is a huge plus. Flexy/shaky weak foil setups are horrible to ride and very hard to learn on.
No aluminum components, just all carbon. I do not like anything aluminum for foiling because it's weak, bends, corrodes, so many screws to seize up, etc.
The mast has the Surf box Tuttle head which I recommend for easier faster setup (2 screws) along with a lighter stronger board connection and reduced drag compared to plate type.
Go foils are so light, they have to be one of the lightest in the market, but the strength is unreal. We hit and bounce these off the rocks all year long and never have had one break.
The versatility is the best. All you need is just need one setup for everything: WWF, Surf, Wing, Boat, Freeride, Etc. Plus they have a "GL" series wings for the very advanced riders to push the limits.
Go Foils are by far the best Value $$$$$. They are a few more bucks than the cheapest Aluminum foils but so much better in every way. Just save up and get the GoFoil setups, you won't out grow them and they will last you a lifetime.
GoFoils are made in China which I am not a fan of, but they do own their own factory there, as a result they can keep the quality very high.
The Gofoil kit I recommend for every one to start with because the range is so big on this combo is the Maliko 200 front wing with the Maliko tail wing paired up with 29.5" mast. make sure you get the 29.5 mast as it has a wider cord and is much stronger and better for the bigger wings. They do make a 28.5" and 24" mast but the cord is smaller on them so they are only better for smaller wings more suited for prone or kite foil. They do have a really light Plate adapter for track mount if you need it. They of course have additional wings that you can add to your setup that expands the limits of the foiling. Here is my take on them below.
Maliko 280 Front wing: This wing is a beast with huge lift and lots of glide. Super fun in the micro surf and barely any breezes. Super fun for most riders but some ultra light weights might have a hard time keeping this wing in the water. Pair it up with Maliko tail.
Maliko 200 Front wing: Must wing for all, great in small surf and 5-18 knts of wind. Pair it up with Maliko tail.
Iwa 170 Front wing: Great wing for lightweights or the rest when swell is bigger and wind is up more 14-20knts. Pair it up with the Maliko tail.
Kia and Nalu Front wings are for big waves, prone and kite only. Pair them up with Kia Tail wing.
GL series wings are for the advanced surf foiler. I do not recommend them for newbies or for WWF. They provide a less lifty, more speedy wing with better glide but mostly at a faster speeds. They also are more pivot turning and less carvy. They all excel at gliding. The biggest one is not very turny but as you go down in wing size they turn better. The pedestal rear wing allows for any combination of rear wing for any kind of feeling you want. For example, I am using a different brand rear wing for my Maliko 200 and it has just super charged that setup. The sky is the limit.